- piturednik
Danny Newman, a well-known travel blogger, presented a number of interesting facts. Newman claims that visits to new destinations and tourist attractions contribute to the development of intelligence because they encourage a different way of thinking and creativity.
It is also interesting to note that couples who travel together develop greater intimacy and strengthen their relationships.
Also, in his blog, he presents incredible facts about the shortest flight that lasts only 1.5 minutes from Westray to Papa Westray in the Orkney Islands of Scotland. It would be logical to take a walk when it comes to such distances, but that is not feasible in this case.
Interesting fact about Greenland as the least populated country, where the statistics show that only 0.03 inhabitants per square kilometer live in that country.
On the other hand, in crowded India, about 23 million passengers travel by train every day! By comparison, Indian daily train traffic is equal to the entire population of Australia!
Can we even think that one huge country, like China, has only one time zone? That’s right, forget about jet-lag in China if you travel from one end of the country to another!
The blogger reveals one amazing fact about Ethiopia, for all those who decide to visit this country will have the opportunity to “travel through time” because the Ethiopian calendar is different from the rest of the world. The “time machine” will take you to Ethiopia in the middle of 2014!
Source: https://www.whatsdannydoing.com/
Translation and editing: Aleksandra Novaković